Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Ways You Communicate

These are the ways you currently communicate:

You can point to:

your head

your teeth

your belly

your nose (this one is new - you need a little prompting)

You can say/repeat, but we're not sure you know what they mean:


gracious (you said this when playing your "gracious" game with Grandma)

mama (you occasionally say this when we've put you to bed but you don't want to go to sleep)

da (you seem to say this when Dad comes home)

no (we told you, "No touch" and you said "no" a number of times)

tick tock (you say this while we change your diaper)

tickle tickle (you make noises that sound kind of like this when you tickle yourself)

Definite words:



buh (for "bye")

boom (when you fall down)

up (when you want to be picked up or put down)

You understand:

when we ask you to close the cabinet door

when we ask you to turn off/on a light switch or the tv

when we ask you to sit down so you can have a snack

when we ask you to bring us a book

when we tell you "no touch"

when we ask you to dance (you don't do this much anymore)