Sunday, July 31, 2005

Putting You To Sleep

Dear Gabe,

I feel really bad today because you are crying. I hate it when you cry. What's worse is you really want us to pick you up, cuddle with you, nurse you, etc., but we aren't doing it. I'm feeling really bad today so I wanted to tell you why we're doing this.

You recently stopped sleeping well. You were really refusing to take any naps at all. And you were getting very tired! So we knew you needed to start to learn how to go to sleep on your own and how to soothe yourself. We've tried a variety of things in the past to help you learn this, but none of them really worked. So what we settled on is putting you in your crib and sitting with you until you fall asleep. We pat you, shush you, and occasionally pick you up, but for the most part we let you learn what makes you feel more sleepy.

Yesterday was the first day. You were awake in your crib for an hour before you fell asleep. It was a very long hour for me. Then you wouldn't sleep at all for your second nap. For bed, you were awake in your crib for an hour and forty minutes. It felt like eternity. We don't know yet if it is working, but I sure hope so!

Anyway, I just want to tell you that Dad and I love you very much and we feel badly that you have to be unhappy while we work this out. We wish we could do it for you and make it easy for you. I'm sure this won't be the last thing we wish we could fix. But know that we love you and we are trying to figure out how to do the best things for you!


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Catching Up

I never intend to go this long between updates! The point of this was to help me keep track of my life, but that won't work very well if I don't write regularly!

Gabe is funny. I can't believe how big he is getting. Yesterday, for some strange reason (although it made sense at the time), I decided to call him "Stanley." Well, he thought that was the funniest thing. Tahd would drag it out a bit when he said it - kind of like "Staahhhnleeey" - and Gabe would laugh and laugh. He got hiccups and everything. It was very cute. Here's a general update on him:

* He eats a variety of solid foods - oatmeal and rice cereal, arrowroot biscuits & Gerber puffs, bananas, avocados, peaches, apricots, pears, apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash. There might be a few others, but that basically covers it.

* He goes to bed around 8:00 at night and usually sleeps until around 4:00/5:00 to eat.

* He takes 2 naps a day - AM and PM. Occasionally he takes 2 PM naps.

* He wears size 6-12 month clothing.

* His eyes look like they might be changing color to brown.

* He has no teeth.

* He goes through about 5 diapers a day.

* He loves to take a bath and has gotten very proficient at splashing. He also loves to "swim" in Grandma and Grandpa's pool.

* He has a fair amount of separation anxiety; he cries when I leave the room quite regularly.

* He still doesn't go to bed awake and go to sleep by himself - only on a rare occasion.

* He is discovering his hands and how he can move them.

* He can creep quite quickly across a room.

* He wakes up anywhere between 6:30 and 8:30 each morning.

* He says lots of syllables but no words. His favorite syllable seems to be "ba."

* He likes to ride in his stroller and is almost always very well-behaved in public, even if he is tired.

* He doesn't really like to be left in the nursery.

* He likes to play "Peekaboo," "How Big Is Gabe," "Horsey," and "Where'd Gabe Go."

* He seems to like to watch older preschoolers.

Okay - well I need to get ready for my hair appointment so I should go do that. I need to dry my hair so I can have her wash it and dry it again in a few hours... go figure!