Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Catching Up

I never intend to go this long between updates! The point of this was to help me keep track of my life, but that won't work very well if I don't write regularly!

Gabe is funny. I can't believe how big he is getting. Yesterday, for some strange reason (although it made sense at the time), I decided to call him "Stanley." Well, he thought that was the funniest thing. Tahd would drag it out a bit when he said it - kind of like "Staahhhnleeey" - and Gabe would laugh and laugh. He got hiccups and everything. It was very cute. Here's a general update on him:

* He eats a variety of solid foods - oatmeal and rice cereal, arrowroot biscuits & Gerber puffs, bananas, avocados, peaches, apricots, pears, apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash. There might be a few others, but that basically covers it.

* He goes to bed around 8:00 at night and usually sleeps until around 4:00/5:00 to eat.

* He takes 2 naps a day - AM and PM. Occasionally he takes 2 PM naps.

* He wears size 6-12 month clothing.

* His eyes look like they might be changing color to brown.

* He has no teeth.

* He goes through about 5 diapers a day.

* He loves to take a bath and has gotten very proficient at splashing. He also loves to "swim" in Grandma and Grandpa's pool.

* He has a fair amount of separation anxiety; he cries when I leave the room quite regularly.

* He still doesn't go to bed awake and go to sleep by himself - only on a rare occasion.

* He is discovering his hands and how he can move them.

* He can creep quite quickly across a room.

* He wakes up anywhere between 6:30 and 8:30 each morning.

* He says lots of syllables but no words. His favorite syllable seems to be "ba."

* He likes to ride in his stroller and is almost always very well-behaved in public, even if he is tired.

* He doesn't really like to be left in the nursery.

* He likes to play "Peekaboo," "How Big Is Gabe," "Horsey," and "Where'd Gabe Go."

* He seems to like to watch older preschoolers.

Okay - well I need to get ready for my hair appointment so I should go do that. I need to dry my hair so I can have her wash it and dry it again in a few hours... go figure!

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